
Showing posts from May, 2021

Lighting and Sounds

By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) In week 11 of the Semester, Douglas added different lightings to our games. There are 3 types of lightings: no light (most lights are off), backup light, and main light. Below are some screenshots of how the scene looks like with different lightings.  Above are 3 screenshots of the life support system with the 3 lightings - no light, backup light, main light.  Above are 3 screenshots of the light system with the 3 lightings - no light, backup light, main light.   Above are 3 screenshots of the power generator system with the 3 lightings - no light, backup light, main light.  Above are 3 screenshots of the scene near the spaceship window with the 3 lightings - no light, backup light, main light.  Mateo had found sound effects for the game. Ben finalised the coding of the game. Chandra and Cynthia worked on the report of the project. 

The Put Together VR Space

By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) During the past two weeks, we had encountered many blockers that had hindered our progress on the project. Such blockers were due assignments and new assignments and other commitments.  Aside from that, the space for our VR game Falling Apart has finally been put together and is ready for Ben to programme into a prototype test. Taking Cynthia's GIF we can have a quick look around the space. Scene Layout Douglas has done great contributions in creating the main scene layout, with detailed sci-fi aesthetics composed into the hallways. These are decorative but are crucial in creating the look and adding a genuine feel to the game.  The images show a brief summary of his work.  Here displays the scene layout following the initial diagram. The rendering and lighting of the space are also excellently executed and prove that is creative and technic