The Put Together VR Space

By Space Toothpaste

Ben (Technical Lead)
Chandra (Creative Lead)
Cynthia (Artist)
Douglas (Layout Designer)
Mateo (Systems Designer)

During the past two weeks, we had encountered many blockers that had hindered our progress on the project. Such blockers were due assignments and new assignments and other commitments. 

Aside from that, the space for our VR game Falling Apart has finally been put together and is ready for Ben to programme into a prototype test. Taking Cynthia's GIF we can have a quick look around the space.

Scene Layout

Douglas has done great contributions in creating the main scene layout, with detailed sci-fi aesthetics composed into the hallways. These are decorative but are crucial in creating the look and adding a genuine feel to the game. 

The images show a brief summary of his work.  Here displays the scene layout following the initial diagram. The rendering and lighting of the space are also excellently executed and prove that is creative and technical skills in Unity are a significant contribution to the team.

Coding Components

Ben has worked to build the core systems of code so that our game is able to function. As a project manager, he has also guided us in contributing to making the game. We have been taught how to use various services like GitHub so that we can work on the project remotely. 

Here are the following codes he has created to prepare for the game. These include the codes for System Sockets (for interacting with asset components to be used), Event Systems (Power Generator, Lights and Life Support systems) and Component Scripts (for eligible components to be used in the game.

The importance of these codes can be demonstrated when putting together the system walls for the scene, which leads us to our next topic.

System Walls Put Together

The rest of the team, Mateo, Chandra and Cynthia have put together the rest of the system walls following the previous wall layout plans. These system walls will be the key interactable areas for the players of the game. The walls are made with the assets. The assets are placed onto a panel and the relevant component scripts created by Ben are implemented via the components function in Unity.

Mateo has done the three walls of the Life Support room and has also incorporated sound into it.

Cynthia has created the walls for the Power Generator room and out text onto the screen assets.
Chandra has created the walls need for the Lights room. These include the Main Lights panel and Back up Lights panel.

Moving Forward

There have been many technical issues with the merging from Github which has hindered our progress. We have temporarily decided to create components and panels remotely and compiled them to a prefab. This will be sent to Douglas so that he can put the scene together on one clean version to prevent merging issues.

For our next meeting, we will be discussing the next steps and Project Manager Ben will give us insight as to what needs to be added or fixed. We are aiming for a working prototype to be shown to the class. We will also focus more on incorporating sounds and sound effects because it is an important factor to make our game immersive for players.

Blog written by Chandra Hu.


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