Level Layout Design

By Space Toothpaste

Ben (Technical Lead)
Chandra (Creative Lead)
Cynthia (Artist)
Douglas (Layout Designer)
Mateo (Systems Designer)

Following Tuesday's meeting, we have discussed further details that will entail in Falling Apart. This meeting was mainly to communicate our ways of adding to the design brief of the game and starting on our first steps. 

We decided on the floor plan and its placement of physical components with consideration for possible VR locomotions we could use for the game. 

Level Layout Design

The level layout design will include one main pentagonal chamber and four sub-chambers connected by three protruding tunnels. There will be placements of various windows and machines/systems laid upon the cells. The main chamber will accommodate the main computer system. The three sub-chambers will contain respectively the systems for life support, lights control and power generations. 

Systems Key Descriptions

Main Computer collates all errors into one place and regulates all systems.

Life Support has the components:

  • Oxygen Generator (creates oxygen and pumps it into the atmosphere).
  • CO2 scrubber (uses a filter to scrub CO2 out of the atmosphere).
  • Pressurizer (uses nitrogen pumped into the atmosphere to keep the base at or near an acceptable pressure).

Power Generators has the components:
  • Solar Panels (stores energy powered by the sun in large batteries).
  • Battery Charger (used to charge batteries such as those in the life support systems).
Lights Control has the components:

- Main Lights (bright)
  • Power Connector
  • Fuse
  • Screen
  • Warning Light/Buzzer
- Backup Lights (dim)
  • Power Connector
  • Battery
  • Screen
  • Warning Light/Buzzer


The dimensions for the space will consist of 2.5 to 3 metres at its widest for the chambers and for the tunnel 1.2 at the thinnest width.

We will continue to develop our design brief in the following days to fit the standards of prototyping expected for this project.

Level Layout Design Mapped By Douglas Wang (Team Layout Designer).
Game/Systems Design and Descriptions By Ben Elwood (Technical Lead).
Blog By Chandra Hu.


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