Finding and Creating Assets Step 2

By Space Toothpaste

Ben (Technical Lead)
Chandra (Creative Lead)
Cynthia (Artist)
Douglas (Layout Designer)
Mateo (Systems Designer)

With last week's meeting, we have discussed our next steps in completing the assets and our plans to further develop the game. This would be gathering all the assets and placing them into Unity so that we can start testing the available codes that Ben has created for us. 

Following the previous blog, Cynthia has created the Fuse, Pump, Warning Light and a basic Screen asset because there were not any suitable existing ones. You can see these in our previous blog

Chandra has made the Power Connector, Wire and CO2 Tank that are the remaining relevant parts for the systems. Unity asset store also has a larger wires asset that we could use for decoration purposes. 

She has created several versions of the Power Connector in case of placement difficulties (version 2 power connector on left). 

Here is the CO2 tank for the CO2 scrubber system. We have decided not to focus on the rendering and textures on all the team-made for now.

Our main assets for the game has now been completed and we are ready for the next step.

Our plan for the next group meeting is to start incorporating the codes into the assets to make the systems needed for the game. As a team, we are going to begin putting all the assets and systems into unity.  

Douglas has already prepared most of the room layout in Unity which will be ready for the remaining assets and components to be installed. We are very much looking forward to this!

Blog by Chandra Hu


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