
Mission Control Manual

  By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) This week, we improved on our Mission Control Manual. The Mission Control Manual helps the player know how the components look and where they are in the systems.  Below are some photos of how our Mission Control Manual looks like currently.  Cover Page Level Layout Design & Life Support System Light System & Power Generator System Appendix

Lighting and Sounds

By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) In week 11 of the Semester, Douglas added different lightings to our games. There are 3 types of lightings: no light (most lights are off), backup light, and main light. Below are some screenshots of how the scene looks like with different lightings.  Above are 3 screenshots of the life support system with the 3 lightings - no light, backup light, main light.  Above are 3 screenshots of the light system with the 3 lightings - no light, backup light, main light.   Above are 3 screenshots of the power generator system with the 3 lightings - no light, backup light, main light.  Above are 3 screenshots of the scene near the spaceship window with the 3 lightings - no light, backup light, main light.  Mateo had found sound effects for the game. Ben finalised the coding of the game. Chandra and Cynthia worked on the report of the project. 

The Put Together VR Space

By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) During the past two weeks, we had encountered many blockers that had hindered our progress on the project. Such blockers were due assignments and new assignments and other commitments.  Aside from that, the space for our VR game Falling Apart has finally been put together and is ready for Ben to programme into a prototype test. Taking Cynthia's GIF we can have a quick look around the space. Scene Layout Douglas has done great contributions in creating the main scene layout, with detailed sci-fi aesthetics composed into the hallways. These are decorative but are crucial in creating the look and adding a genuine feel to the game.  The images show a brief summary of his work.  Here displays the scene layout following the initial diagram. The rendering and lighting of the space are also excellently executed and prove that is creative and technic

System Components Layout Design

By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) With assets out of the way, our team reviews the level layout of the game which the assets and system components will be filling. Douglas has been doing an excellent job on the refined and rendered construction of the space that we will be using. Although it is only nearing its completion, this is helpful to give us a good look and feel. Below is a sneak peek. Mateo, who has been working on the list of events of the different systems, works with Chandra and Cynthia to plan out the placement of each component of each sub-system component that will go on the wall panels of each room. Refer back to the Level Layout design blog. We are planning to place each component onto a wall panel to have it ready-made and easy to place inside Unity. The reason why this is crucial is to create less confusion when we implement the code into each asset/component.

Finding and Creating Assets Step 2

By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) With last week's meeting, we have discussed our next steps in completing the assets and our plans to further develop the game. This would be gathering all the assets and placing them into Unity so that we can start testing the available codes that Ben has created for us.  Following the previous blog, Cynthia has created the Fuse, Pump, Warning Light and a basic Screen asset because there were not any suitable existing ones. You can see these in our previous blog Chandra has made the Power Connector, Wire and CO2 Tank that are the remaining relevant parts for the systems. Unity asset store also has a larger  wires asset that we could use for decoration purposes.  She has created several versions of the Power Connector in case of placement difficulties (version 2 power connector on left).  Here is the CO2 tank for the CO2 scrubber system. We

Finding and Creating Assets Step 1

By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) Originally we had an asset pack which Ben had purchased for the pre-fab.  (Synty Studios, 2018) Douglas had found a free pre-fab sci-fi pack. (Karboosx, 2018) Chandra had created a list of assets needed for the scenery section, the equipment needed and the things in room. Then I (Cynthia) found some assets which could be used for the scenery section of our project.  Below are some screen shots of the assets I've found for the sky and planets for the background.  (Bytes, 2018); (Key, 2019);  (Bytes, 2017); (Fox, 2016) I also found some background soundtrack for the project. They are called Sci Fi World Sounds - Free Package (Poligons Sounds, 2018) and Sci-Fi Music Pack 1 (Pdkmusic, 2017).  Next, I started to find equipment assets.  I managed to find 3D models for the battery and buzzer, as well as the sound effect for buzzer (Mixkit, 2020). 


By Space Toothpaste Ben ( Technical Lead ) Chandra ( Creative Lead ) Cynthia ( Artist ) Douglas ( Layout Designer ) Mateo ( Systems Designer ) From starting this project I (Ben Elwood) wanted to make the components and systems easy to expand. This meant using polymorphism to assist with the coding of new systems or components. I started with the components. A general component has: A Type (What is it?) A Repair Cost (How long does it take to repair) A boolean to store if it is broken or not A function to damage the component (Some components may not just break if damaged) The first component that differed from that was the battery component. The battery component has, in addition to the general component things, a charge (The amount of charge remaining in the battery) and also functions to allow you to consume or recharge that charge. I did the same with systems. A general system has: A list of components that it needs to work A list that stores all the components currently connected A